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ok so has channa orintalis. Or has seen them befor

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Fire Eel
MFK Member
I got chance to get some of them. And im wondering what others peoples exsperience is with them
They as hardy as gachuas?
I no they a dwarf
Any of ya have them befor?
Any of you got any extra info on them
aka the Ceylon snakehead they are the smallest specias of snakehead that rarley exceed 13 cm and eats mostly insects. Color is olive to light brown and is not very aggresive can be kept in hardiest of all snakehead species. usually not kept in captivity.longest kept in an aquarium is 13 years.needs large cave to live in and is nocternal included is a picture of the fish.


View attachment 1101094
MouthWash said:
aka the Ceylon snakehead they are the smallest specias of snakehead that rarley exceed 13 cm and eats mostly insects. Color is olive to light brown and is not very aggresive can be kept in hardiest of all snakehead species. rarley kept in captivity.longest kept in an aquarium is 13 years.needs large cave to live in and is nocternal included is a picture of the fish.
Hey!! I saw these on sales in singapore.;) Just saw them like 9 hours plus back.;)
im working on it rayman
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