I have a Used 600 Gallon Fiberglass stock tank with the overhead fiberglass mountable filterbox and lid
Dimensions: 8' x 4' x 30"
I originally purchased this tank from Brian at Ocean Blue.
New these tanks go for exactly $2,050.33 at Aquatic Eco-Systems [url]http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/1178/Quarantine-and-Holding-Systems/fiberglass tank/0[/URL]
I'm selling for $800.00 - I'll also throw in a bunch of media (blue spikey bio-balls, Japanese matting) and 3x 300 Watt Heaters
OR I'm also looking to possibly trade for a 240-300 gallon acrylic tank w/stand preferably a tall tank.
Dimensions: 8' x 4' x 30"
I originally purchased this tank from Brian at Ocean Blue.
New these tanks go for exactly $2,050.33 at Aquatic Eco-Systems [url]http://www.aquaticeco.com/subcategories/1178/Quarantine-and-Holding-Systems/fiberglass tank/0[/URL]
I'm selling for $800.00 - I'll also throw in a bunch of media (blue spikey bio-balls, Japanese matting) and 3x 300 Watt Heaters
OR I'm also looking to possibly trade for a 240-300 gallon acrylic tank w/stand preferably a tall tank.