In the confines of an tank not much would be safe unless it's too big to be eaten. Silver dollars are what they live with in the wild, also tetras. But here is the difference. In the wild there is room for a tetra to run. In a tank not so. The Oscar will chase till the fish gets tired and trapped in a corner and then becomes a snack.
If you give the Oscar enough attention you won't need a dither. The Oscar will be out and active with you.
If you want dithers I suggest an 8X2X2 with the Oscar and 15 to 20 spotted or tiger stripe silver dollars. SD's like tetras become more active and swimming about in a group with more members. I started with 8 got 7 more for 15 total and that's when they were really what I wanted. But the activity level of the SD's bothered the Oscar in a 125gal.
If you already have the tank, then I suggest just the Oscar and pleco.
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