Can anybody fill this out for loisellei, friedrichsthalii, and motaguensis. They aren't there on the sticky.
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arachromis dovii-
Dovii, or wolf cichlids, are known to be kings of cichlids; they get large, have teeth and have amazing personalities, so many people like to keep them- But not all people have the captive requierments to keep the king of cichlids. Listed here are the requirements too keep this awesome species into adulthood. These fish are found in Central America.
Niceragua and Costa Rica are the most common areas where Wild Dovii (F0) are Collected from.
Captive requirements-
Fish size- males can get to 30” in the wild, though captive specimens rarely get larger than 21-24”. Females get to around 15”-16”
Tank size- because of the large size of these cichlids, and because they are very active cichlids (VERY) sometimes listed as a somewhat Psychotic fish by keepers, large tank sizes area a must, minimum for females is 125 gallons 6'x18"), males on the other hand need 180+ gallons, pairs may work in 180’s, though to be on the safe side, 240 gallons would be much better, because the footprint of 8’x2’, give much more space than 6’x2’. So If a male want's to beat on his girl, she has some space to stay away.
Filtration- the fish are large so good filtration is a must, for a tank like a 180, I would recommend a wet/dry filter or a few large canister filters- big fish=big waste.
Décor- because these fish are known to be very active, I would recommend keeping the tanks for them, as bare as possible, have gravel, and maybe a piece of driftwood, but they are fast moving and could hurt themselves, on any sharp corners, of slate or such. There is almost no chance of keeping any live plants with them.
Tank mates- these fish are known for being very aggressive so, tank mates, is pretty much a big no, though you may be able to have a pair together. Females are many times killed off by Overactive males though, so if you do plan to keep a pair, keep a VERY strong divider on hand. You would be suprised how strong an adult male dovii is when he want's his girl. I have also seen fish such as pleco's or catfish ignored by dovii.
Feeding- feed these how you would any other larger cichlid, large pellets, food sticks, etc are all good things to feed. Keeping a varitey is best. A meaty supplement of a large earthworm would be fine aswell.
Photo's by Jeff Rapps of TUIC)
Species: (Central American)Parachromis Managuense, Jag, Managua cichlid( Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras)
Size:Females 10-13", Males 12-16" Bigger has been reported of 18"
Diet: (Omnivore) Should be fed a variety of foods. Base diet should include a high quality pellet or stick with a 40-50% Crude protein. Will eat live earthworms, Insects ( typically crickets) Krill, Bloodworms, feeders ( Not recommended unless you bred them), Brine Shrimp cubes, market shrimp &. Sometimes fussy when it comes to eating repetitive meals so always keep it varying.
Tank setup: 75 gallons minimum for a male managuense or female. Male will have to be moved to a 125 or larger tank once 12". Will uproot plants so planted tanks are fairly uncommon. Large Rocky setup with some Driftwood caves. Large filtration system as they are messy eaters and produce alot of waste. Water temp should be kept around 78-86 degrees F.
Water parameters: pH around 7.0-7.4 a bit softer is tolerated as well. Like harder water. Water quality must stay below 15 ppm of Nitrite with no Nitrate or Ammonia present.
Sexing: Venting is 100% accurate each time if you know how to correctly make a conclusion. Best way is to remove the fish from the water and look between anal fins. Males vent will look like this (o o) females will looks like this (o O). Notice the larger circle for the female. That is the ovipositor where eggs are deposited and will almost always stick out quite a bit more than males papilla.
General Comments: Large aggressive fish. Does well in communities based on personal experience if the tank is 180 gallons or more depending on tankmates. Very intense breeder. If you have a pair that is laying they will lay for the rest of their lives together. I love my pair to death very fun cichlid.
Female pic 1:
Male pic 2:
Size:Females 10-13", Males 12-16" Bigger has been reported of 18"
Diet: (Omnivore) Should be fed a variety of foods. Base diet should include a high quality pellet or stick with a 40-50% Crude protein. Will eat live earthworms, Insects ( typically crickets) Krill, Bloodworms, feeders ( Not recommended unless you bred them), Brine Shrimp cubes, market shrimp &. Sometimes fussy when it comes to eating repetitive meals so always keep it varying.
Tank setup: 75 gallons minimum for a male managuense or female. Male will have to be moved to a 125 or larger tank once 12". Will uproot plants so planted tanks are fairly uncommon. Large Rocky setup with some Driftwood caves. Large filtration system as they are messy eaters and produce alot of waste. Water temp should be kept around 78-86 degrees F.
Water parameters: pH around 7.0-7.4 a bit softer is tolerated as well. Like harder water. Water quality must stay below 15 ppm of Nitrite with no Nitrate or Ammonia present.
Sexing: Venting is 100% accurate each time if you know how to correctly make a conclusion. Best way is to remove the fish from the water and look between anal fins. Males vent will look like this (o o) females will looks like this (o O). Notice the larger circle for the female. That is the ovipositor where eggs are deposited and will almost always stick out quite a bit more than males papilla.
General Comments: Large aggressive fish. Does well in communities based on personal experience if the tank is 180 gallons or more depending on tankmates. Very intense breeder. If you have a pair that is laying they will lay for the rest of their lives together. I love my pair to death very fun cichlid.
Female pic 1:
Male pic 2:
arachromis dovii-
Dovii, or wolf cichlids, are known to be kings of cichlids; they get large, have teeth and have amazing personalities, so many people like to keep them- But not all people have the captive requierments to keep the king of cichlids. Listed here are the requirements too keep this awesome species into adulthood. These fish are found in Central America.
Niceragua and Costa Rica are the most common areas where Wild Dovii (F0) are Collected from.
Captive requirements-
Fish size- males can get to 30” in the wild, though captive specimens rarely get larger than 21-24”. Females get to around 15”-16”
Tank size- because of the large size of these cichlids, and because they are very active cichlids (VERY) sometimes listed as a somewhat Psychotic fish by keepers, large tank sizes area a must, minimum for females is 125 gallons 6'x18"), males on the other hand need 180+ gallons, pairs may work in 180’s, though to be on the safe side, 240 gallons would be much better, because the footprint of 8’x2’, give much more space than 6’x2’. So If a male want's to beat on his girl, she has some space to stay away.
Filtration- the fish are large so good filtration is a must, for a tank like a 180, I would recommend a wet/dry filter or a few large canister filters- big fish=big waste.
Décor- because these fish are known to be very active, I would recommend keeping the tanks for them, as bare as possible, have gravel, and maybe a piece of driftwood, but they are fast moving and could hurt themselves, on any sharp corners, of slate or such. There is almost no chance of keeping any live plants with them.
Tank mates- these fish are known for being very aggressive so, tank mates, is pretty much a big no, though you may be able to have a pair together. Females are many times killed off by Overactive males though, so if you do plan to keep a pair, keep a VERY strong divider on hand. You would be suprised how strong an adult male dovii is when he want's his girl. I have also seen fish such as pleco's or catfish ignored by dovii.
Feeding- feed these how you would any other larger cichlid, large pellets, food sticks, etc are all good things to feed. Keeping a varitey is best. A meaty supplement of a large earthworm would be fine aswell.
Photo's by Jeff Rapps of TUIC)