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Paratilapia Bleekeri


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Hey guys! Pretty simple question here but what food would you suggest to help settle a newly acquired fish?

I've got one about 4-5" or so in qt and am probably picking 2 more this week about the same size, but it hasn't seemed to interested in any pellets or worms as of yet.

Live fish has always been a last resort for picky eaters and I'm prepared to go that route, but was curious what has worked got some of you.

Hoping to get a pair but I'd like to get this one eating first. Thanks in advance!

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I was kinda thinking the qt situation may be part of the problem. It's got quite a bit of cover but no tankmates.

First time with a species from Madagascar here so just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

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Paratilapia are not piscivores, so adding feeders probably wouldn't help. And unless they are fish reared in your own tanks, could be disease vectors that in a new stressful situation do more damage than good.
Paratilapia are not piscivores, so adding feeders probably wouldn't help. And unless they are fish reared in your own tanks, could be disease vectors that in a new stressful situation do more damage than good.

That's where I get quite a bit of conflicting info. Most online sources claim they are piscovores to some extent.

Not that I believe everything I read online. Experience from actual keepers is a bit more reliable IME.

I'm going to move it to a larger more scaped tank and see if it helps any.

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In nature Paratilapia are insectivores and detritus feeders, though they will eat a fish if they can, they are thought of as inept predators (though in the confines of an aquarium, predation is much simpler).
Once they settle in they are easy to feed, I have 4 large, small spot in a 125, a single large spot in a different 125, and some andapa growing out in a 50.

Very nice! Thanks for the info.

I've moved the fish to a 55 with some sand and fake plants and it seems to be happier so far. Definitely more active.

I'll try some food in a few hours.

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Well, that did the trick. Eating both NLS and Xtreme like a champ.

Amazing what a little sand and space can do. Very social fish since the move. Kinda weird pic because you can see my 210 behind the 55. The bleekeri is solo for now.

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Congrats on your first Malagasy cichlid! I agree with Duane re feeding live fish. My female Bleekeri didn't eat for two days after she arrived @ 1.5 inches and is still a picky eater. She's about 5 or so inches now. Very slow growing at first. They prefer subdued lighting and lots of hiding places, especially if you're putting more fish in the tank. She prefers to eat at dawn or in the dark, stays in her 'cave' during the day and patrols her territory at night. They will also rearrange sand into piles, I have to keep a close eye on heaters and filter tubes. Is yours male or female? Looking forward to more pics.

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