I am trying to find a good gecko forum I like (making progress) but for now:
I was given what I think is an albino, was told it is 2 years old, other than that all I know is the kid who wanted it grew bored and his mother was more than happy to hand it over to me with the caution that she thought it was blind and it had scabbed injury on the tip of her snout.
This is it:
At a quick glance, trying not to stress it, I think it's a girl and named it Ducky.
She seemed very dehydrated and thin IMO, and would not eat crickets which was the sole diet she was supposedly on. I have found, she CAN see, just not well. I have her on mealworms now and she stands over them in a pickle jar lid to "hunt" more by feel than sight.
It seems low, indirect light is best. She can see light and dark, beyond that I'm unsure.
It took a week off feed and a good dose of electrolytes mixed with a bit of babyfood chicken to get her eating, she took 2cc of that and suddenly downed the 8 mealworms in her dish!
I don't know WHAT the previous owner was doing, but the sore on her snout healed and just today she had a near full shed. Had a little trouble with the eyelids but let me help (with warm wet hands) and just has a bit of belly to work off.
She is looking a lot better, standing and walking instead of dragging herself, and even enjoys a light rain if I'm careful how I spray her.
Okay, I think I'm rambling now, I guess, I'm assuming the blindness is due partially to being albino and probably to eye damage..
Could the damage be due to exposure to UV lights?
Any special precautions I should take beyond what I'm doing now?
BTW, guess I should state she is in a large plastic bin with rocks, pebbles, a few hides, damp moss, water dish, food dish, etc.
It's just crazy to me that I said "hey if you don't want your kids castoff I'll take it"
and it turned out to be special needs..
I really should include picture of her now, after shed, OMG, she looks SO much better! But sorry, can't ATM..
Anyway I guess, suggestions? Experiences? What color is this little fellow? any other concerns looking at it?
Are many albino leo geckos blind/partially blind? Because that's kinda the sense I'm getting from very basic research.
I kinda feel an albino placed under a UV light might have caused this.. I've seen it as a reason for refusal to feed in enough normal leos, I could see it damaging the eyes of an albino and causing all sorts of problems..
Anyway, she is doing better, just shed, shall try to get and post new pictures but any advice muchly appreciated!
I was given what I think is an albino, was told it is 2 years old, other than that all I know is the kid who wanted it grew bored and his mother was more than happy to hand it over to me with the caution that she thought it was blind and it had scabbed injury on the tip of her snout.
This is it:

At a quick glance, trying not to stress it, I think it's a girl and named it Ducky.
She seemed very dehydrated and thin IMO, and would not eat crickets which was the sole diet she was supposedly on. I have found, she CAN see, just not well. I have her on mealworms now and she stands over them in a pickle jar lid to "hunt" more by feel than sight.
It seems low, indirect light is best. She can see light and dark, beyond that I'm unsure.
It took a week off feed and a good dose of electrolytes mixed with a bit of babyfood chicken to get her eating, she took 2cc of that and suddenly downed the 8 mealworms in her dish!
I don't know WHAT the previous owner was doing, but the sore on her snout healed and just today she had a near full shed. Had a little trouble with the eyelids but let me help (with warm wet hands) and just has a bit of belly to work off.
She is looking a lot better, standing and walking instead of dragging herself, and even enjoys a light rain if I'm careful how I spray her.
Okay, I think I'm rambling now, I guess, I'm assuming the blindness is due partially to being albino and probably to eye damage..
Could the damage be due to exposure to UV lights?
Any special precautions I should take beyond what I'm doing now?
BTW, guess I should state she is in a large plastic bin with rocks, pebbles, a few hides, damp moss, water dish, food dish, etc.
It's just crazy to me that I said "hey if you don't want your kids castoff I'll take it"
and it turned out to be special needs..
I really should include picture of her now, after shed, OMG, she looks SO much better! But sorry, can't ATM..
Anyway I guess, suggestions? Experiences? What color is this little fellow? any other concerns looking at it?
Are many albino leo geckos blind/partially blind? Because that's kinda the sense I'm getting from very basic research.
I kinda feel an albino placed under a UV light might have caused this.. I've seen it as a reason for refusal to feed in enough normal leos, I could see it damaging the eyes of an albino and causing all sorts of problems..
Anyway, she is doing better, just shed, shall try to get and post new pictures but any advice muchly appreciated!