8 inch Geophagus Altifron... $20
8-9 inch Hybrid Peacock bass GREAT COLOR.... $55
10-11 inch Ocell Peacock bass... $70
I would consider selling the Clown Loach for $90. I know its pricey but he's top two of the tank.
8 inch Spotted Royal Pleco His head is the width of my fist... $55 obo
Buy two and get $10 off the third. Please no low ballers.
I will also consider selling my 13-14 inch Orino. But I am firm at $180. Once again I know its high compared to the socal sellers, but he is my gem.
vv 7+ inch Mono Peacock bass (He has a lot more black in his sides now. Picture was about a month and a half ago)... $60.