Bloodworms is all I have been able to get him to eat, the rest of my tank eats pellets fine so I was wondering is it ok to just keep feeding him bloodworms or will that cause long term issues, and how often should I feed him? Thanks in advance .
eels are hard to get eating and when they find something they like they stick to it. As far as pellets I've only seen a few cases of spiny eels eating and that has been large fire or tire track eels. you could try rapashy and different types of frozen food
Little difficult when small. Would add some Boyd’s vitachem to the bloodworms when melted. Mix it up and then freeze again. This will help. Can try offering live black worms which is a better option.
Try mixing it other foods with the melted bloodworms. I used to chop up red wigglers and put them in when my fire eels were small. I think that once they get larger, they become more confident with what they will eat. Mine now eat everything frozen I throw at them. Still no pellets, but I don’t mind that. If you can find small enough red wigglers, then you can just throw them in whole and they can live under water for several days at least.
I also have a peacock eel and is the most picky out the 4 spiney eels I have .I will frozen or live blood worms frozen or live tubefix and also white mosquito larvae while the others will eat frozen brine schrimp the peacock wont touch them so they are very picky eaters. Did love the black worms but they are hard to get hold of in the uk.