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Pearsei care


Probation Member
Probation Member
So I let my son pick a new fish and he settled on a pearsei (his original choice was a real headache to track down)
I oicked ine up from aquascape yesterday and have him in qt. Read up on them in the past few weeks but wanted to hear some first hand experiences from other members like what your feeding them and what kind of substrate/decor your using. I read a post somewhere that a dark decor such as mine (black backround and black gravel) made his pearsei look dull and drab. I always felt the darker decor enhanced my fishes color. I really want the green to look as vibrant as possible. My son anmed him hulk lol
As for food I planned on deeding a mix of nls reg/algeamax and omega one reg/kelp pellets along with romaine and peas

Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated

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So I let my son pick a new fish and he settled on a pearsei (his original choice was a real headache to track down)
I oicked ine up from aquascape yesterday and have him in qt. Read up on them in the past few weeks but wanted to hear some first hand experiences from other members like what your feeding them and what kind of substrate/decor your using. I read a post somewhere that a dark decor such as mine (black backround and black gravel) made his pearsei look dull and drab. I always felt the darker decor enhanced my fishes color. I really want the green to look as vibrant as possible. My son anmed him hulk lol
As for food I planned on deeding a mix of nls reg/algeamax and omega one reg/kelp pellets along with romaine and peas

Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated

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They don't really get that green. Mine is a nice gold with a green tint. I have him with pool filter sand and a darker 3d background. My opinion is don't do all black, it will probably darkened him up. In general it is already a dark cichlid compared to others so use lighter surround. Your diet sounds good from what advice I have gotten from experienced members

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So I let my son pick a new fish and he settled on a pearsei (his original choice was a real headache to track down)
I oicked ine up from aquascape yesterday and have him in qt. Read up on them in the past few weeks but wanted to hear some first hand experiences from other members like what your feeding them and what kind of substrate/decor your using. I read a post somewhere that a dark decor such as mine (black backround and black gravel) made his pearsei look dull and drab. I always felt the darker decor enhanced my fishes color. I really want the green to look as vibrant as possible. My son anmed him hulk lol
As for food I planned on deeding a mix of nls reg/algeamax and omega one reg/kelp pellets along with romaine and peas

Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated

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Nice choice by your son, Pearsei are one of my favorites; big brutes with a fairly mellow disposition. I just recently picked up two males myself, unfortunately they came single bagged with one heat pack for a 17"x17"x11" box. Despite their trip being only airport to airport same day they where packaged so poorly that both bags had leaked 75% of their water into the styrobox
(which had a normal cardboard cover) and the water was 60 degrees upon pick up. Both fish where upside down and barely breathing, I was sure they where both where destined to pass but within 2 hours they had recouped to an amazing degree. Though they are still suffering from the trauma of the shipping. Both seem to have fungus but I plan on creating a thread to verify what's ailing them. I hope you can forgive my rant about my bad buying experience as I thought it is relevant to my answer to your question.

Despite the trauma and suffering they're very colorful and my aquarium has a black BG but also has white sand and fake plants which may also be influencing their colors. I've also kept Pearsei in the past, I had one in a black BG and black sand tank and while there was definite darkening of the colors in general I think it was more individual based as the same Pearsei was also moved into a white sand and black BG tank and the coloration remained consistent. With that said I believe coloration is based on how secure they feel, are they dominant or sub, if they're comfortable and how they are as an individual in general. Some fish just seem to respond very differently to the same situations and as an individual that can include coloration.

As for food I think your on the right path, the only thing I would want is perhaps more variety in the frozen food veggies. Mo(Aquamojo) has raised up a pretty impressive Pearsei in the past and I plan on hitting him up for some of his experiences, you may wish to as well. Here's pic of Mo's old Pearsei

Couple of examples of my Pearsei with different backgrounds. Old Pearsei in my black BG and black sand tank.

And my new males in a tank with black BG, white sand and fake plants.

Was thinking about switching to pfs but am hesitant cuz im running an fx6

Thanks for the reply and no need to apologize the pics are great too. What other frozen veggies would you recommend ?

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Damn I love that fish dmd

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Dmd how did you post pics I still cant ?

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