what is the best way you can train these 2 fish to eat pellets. for the pbass he ate pellets once but he is too frightened to go up and eat pellets i got him and the dat only 2 days ago. datnoid only eats worms
Starvation and patience. Just keep an eye on the young ones are they are most likely to get hit harder.
Do you currently feed them around the same time everyday. Due to busy schedule, I am feeding them once every night around 9-10. Turning off all the lights in my living room leaving the tank light on only, the fishes recognize it's feeding time. The dats especially seem to come out of hiding and become a little bit more stable. I would say give them a few days off to even a week, or else they might start picking on themselves. I also used Seachem Garlic guard to soak pellets for some fishes. Pbass will be easier to get on pellets, while datnoids, they may never eat them.
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By saying marbled datnoid, I think he meant Chinese perch or Mandarin fish. I made a recent trip at my LFS and I saw them selling "marbled datnoid". I think it's just a commercial or trade name to induce fish keepers to buy them. They do look like datnoids since they are perches from Asia, but are not from the same family as datnoids. Still a great fish though.
Is that what yours look like? See pic below.
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