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Piraiba not eating


Feeder Fish
Jul 2, 2020
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
Very low about 0 - 0.02
If yes, what is your nitrite?
also very low about 0 - 0.005
If yes, what is your nitrate?
on my test kit it shows the same for nitrite and nitrite so also 0 - 0.005
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
So I picked up this foot long baby piraiba about 4 months ago and though it was really stressed at first I got it eating within a couple of days, not by much but it became more and more confident in the tank and was eating itself fat every day and was visibly growing by the week, after 2 months it suddenly stopped eating for the most part, it was taking the occasional piece of fish here and there but was getting thinner and thinner every day until it had basically stopped eating, after awhile I figured it had a disease from being fed salmon and I treated it, it went well, the fish started eating again and started growing more again, everything was fine until once again 2 weeks ago it just stopped eating, and this time completely, it hasnt eaten anything since then and is ridiculously skinny, Ive tried everything, all the different combination of foods at different times of day, with and without the current, even with feeder fish which it just completely ignored, its just swimming in the current all day when it is turned on and is completely ignoring food. Water, temperature all that is tested and the tests are completely fine. The aquarium is about 10 feet long almost 3 feet wide and almost 3 feet tall and the fish is like 1 foot 2 inches, it just acts like the food doesnt even exist. And if I try to put the food infront of it it completely freaks out crashing into the glass jumping up to the surface and hurting itself on the lid and almost broke the heater about a week ago.
Welcome to the forum and sorry it had to be under this occasion. How long has the tank been established? When u treated the fish....what did u use? How are u testing ur water? Can u post pics of the fish?
I will be sure to try and get some pictures of the fish though the lighting in my aquarium isnt the best at the moment, the tank was only set up about one week before I got the fish, but that wasnt an issue since I took the filters and the substrate from an already established aquarium. And I kinda had to get the fish then because the guy selling it had it temporarily together with Arowanas and some other aggressive fish that where attacking it, I was afraid that the fish wouldnt survive long in that aquarium with those fish attacking it. I treated the fish about 1.5 - 2 months ago from the disease it got, I dont think its back because even when it had the disease it was still eating just not much. And it seemingly recovered completely from it I used a product called tremazol to treat it and did it by draining the tank like 60 or 70 percent, then putting the liquid in and letting the fish swim around it for 6 hours then filling it up again. Im testing water with an honestly somewhat basic test kit but it does test everything it has to and by filling a small glass with a certain amount of aquarium water, then mixing it in with the chemicals from the test kit, waiting some time, then comparing the color of the water from the aquarium mixed in with the chemicals, to a scale showing different colors for different water parameters