I was wondering what would be the best why to set up a tank for Piranha? What to put in it, live plant or fake plants, rocks,wood etc...?
C00K said:Just like any tank set-up, how elaborate you make it is entirely up to you. Ps are generally skittish fish (esp. RBPs at first), so some cover is always appreciated. Live or fake plants is up to you, personally I like live plants, but fake are much less hassle. Driftwood and rocks are great for decor as long as they dont take up too much space. Its good to create little microhabitats, it decreases aggression amongst the shoal since they won't be in front of each others faces all the time. That is if you are planning on a shoal of pygos.
Fish Guy said:How about tank mates? Is there any other fish that can go in with them? I have seen black skirt and noan tetras in with 6" P's and the tetras did fine, I think the owner lost one or two every now and then though.