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Please help: sexing longfin german blue rams


MFK Member
Hello, I recently purchased a group of 8 longfin german blue rams from my LFS. All fish are adults, about 2.5-3 inches including the long tail. I was told by the LFS owner that there should be both males and females in the group. However, after 2 weeks of settle done, when I tried to sex them using the same criteria people sexing regular german blue rams, it turned out that all 8 fish are females :WHOA:

I don't think the criteria people sexing regular GBR will also work well on longfin GBR. All the longfin rams look pretty nice, but a bit different as the regular rams. I guess the longfin ones have gone through more rounds of breeding/selection so they maintain their longfins but lost some of the original coloration patterns.

So please help!!! Is anyone here has experience sexing adult longfin german blue rams? I tried to take a few pics but couldn't get a nice shot. They are just too shy. So I copied a couple pics online from the threads selling longfin german blue rams. My fish are exactly the same as the ones shown in the pics. Please suggest how to sex my longfin rams! Any input would be highly appreciated! thanks in advance!



It's the same - all 3 are males, I believe. I would expect red bellies in the females.

Thanks a lot, fwprawn! so the red/purple belly is the only difference between male and female? how about the head shape, pectoral fin and the blue dots on second big black spot? If the females are not close to spawn, will they also show red/purple belly?

The head shape, and finnage (especially in long-finned varieties) don't really tell much - but the males probably have longer finnage in the longfin varieties anyway - but the accurate way of telling, is the pink belly. If they are close to spawning, it will turn redder / purpler, and when they are not close to spawning, it will be an overall pinkish, when the males will be more blue / white.
The head shape, and finnage (especially in long-finned varieties) don't really tell much - but the males probably have longer finnage in the longfin varieties anyway - but the accurate way of telling, is the pink belly. If they are close to spawning, it will turn redder / purpler, and when they are not close to spawning, it will be an overall pinkish, when the males will be more blue / white.

great! thanks a lot, fwprawn!