Hi all,
I'm a Poly Noob and new on here. I've given a brief intro in the 'introduce yourself' thread but thought I'd drop in here seeing as this is the place I will be spending most of my time from now on
I recently bought a 4" bichir (my first) which was labelled 'Tiger Lizard Bichir' . I thought I'd researched them enough to give a positive ID but wasn't sure if it was a delhezi or an endlicheri, to which the shop said it was a delhezi and would grow to about 14". After a few more weeks of umming and arring I took their word for it and bought him last weekend:
As you can see it's an endlicheri (I didn't know about the (now very obvious) upper jaw/lower jaw thing DOH - told you I was a Poly noob). He's absolutely gorgeous and a delight to watch but there's no way I can keep him long term so I'm going to have to swap him for a delhezi over the next month or so before I get too attached to him.
Which kindof leads me to my first question:
How do I go about swapping for a delhezi? The fish shop I bought it from don't want to know (not my lfs) so I'm stuck with him. I'd LOVE to keep him but there's no way (I can't give it the size of tank it will eventually need and I'd like to keep one long-term). My lfs whilst being a good 'all rounder' aren't specialist enough for me to be able to get a delhezi with 100% confidence (believe me I've already asked).
I'd like a wild caught juvenile because if I'm mistaken the pattern is a lot more striking compared to captive breds - please correct me if I'm wrong (some of the delhezis I've seen are beautiful and look a lot like enlicheris - just smaller to the untrained eye)
If I have to count my losses (£17 for the endlicheri) then I'll simply give him to someone who can offer long-term care for him, then I'll buy a new delhezi. My main concern is being able to choose a quality delhezi with confidence.
Help and advice MUCH appreciated. After only 1 week I'm a bichir owner for life now, but just don't want to get TOO attached to my endli (who already goes my the name of Barnie ) so the sooner I can swap him the better...
I'm a Poly Noob and new on here. I've given a brief intro in the 'introduce yourself' thread but thought I'd drop in here seeing as this is the place I will be spending most of my time from now on
I recently bought a 4" bichir (my first) which was labelled 'Tiger Lizard Bichir' . I thought I'd researched them enough to give a positive ID but wasn't sure if it was a delhezi or an endlicheri, to which the shop said it was a delhezi and would grow to about 14". After a few more weeks of umming and arring I took their word for it and bought him last weekend:
As you can see it's an endlicheri (I didn't know about the (now very obvious) upper jaw/lower jaw thing DOH - told you I was a Poly noob). He's absolutely gorgeous and a delight to watch but there's no way I can keep him long term so I'm going to have to swap him for a delhezi over the next month or so before I get too attached to him.
Which kindof leads me to my first question:
How do I go about swapping for a delhezi? The fish shop I bought it from don't want to know (not my lfs) so I'm stuck with him. I'd LOVE to keep him but there's no way (I can't give it the size of tank it will eventually need and I'd like to keep one long-term). My lfs whilst being a good 'all rounder' aren't specialist enough for me to be able to get a delhezi with 100% confidence (believe me I've already asked).
I'd like a wild caught juvenile because if I'm mistaken the pattern is a lot more striking compared to captive breds - please correct me if I'm wrong (some of the delhezis I've seen are beautiful and look a lot like enlicheris - just smaller to the untrained eye)
If I have to count my losses (£17 for the endlicheri) then I'll simply give him to someone who can offer long-term care for him, then I'll buy a new delhezi. My main concern is being able to choose a quality delhezi with confidence.
Help and advice MUCH appreciated. After only 1 week I'm a bichir owner for life now, but just don't want to get TOO attached to my endli (who already goes my the name of Barnie ) so the sooner I can swap him the better...