Poor Man's Tropheus...."horror" story


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 24, 2009
La Crosse, WI
Okay so I went up to Minneapolis one weekend and picked up two fish that were interesting looking and had never seen before. There were a ton of them in a tank with Jewel Cichlids......all it said on the tank was Neetroplus so I asked one of the guys working to tell me about the fish, because I wanted to know more about them before purchasing. Well he couldn't tell me the common name, but he said they were African Cichlids so I was like, okay I will put them in my African Tank because I had room.

WELL, I couldn't find any information on them (turns out I had the spelling wrong).....so I called back and got the spelling and it turns out they are a Central American Rift Lake Cichlid.......formerly known as Neetroplus nematopus, now known as Hypsophrys nematopus or the Poor Man's Tropheus. Now they aren't super colorful, but I just loved the shape of their mouth and their shiny turquoise-colored eyes....plus, a week or two after bringing them home, their colors (normally grey with a black stripe) inverted (turned black with a grey stripe) and they spawned.....although it wasn't successful. Still, pretty cool.

It really really annoys me when people just give you wrong information....not only that, but the guy spent like 15 minutes trying to catch the fish and told me they are one of the hardest fish to net EVER.....he chased the crap out of a group of like 30 and couldn't catch a fish to save his life....I asked for a male and female, and upon arriving at the counter, the guy tells me that they are probably both male. I was really disappointed because he gave me somewhat poor specimens too, shredded fins, thin looking, beat up...but I didn't speak up, because I was just ready to get out of there. If you work at a FISH SHOP, shouldn't you know what you're selling? Seriously....if you don't know, ASK YOUR COWORKERS OR LOOK IT UP!!!!! It was a big shop too. Not some random chain store that hires kids that are just looking for any job and don't give a crap. This guy should have known his stuff. Oh and by the way, they aren't that difficult to catch....no more difficult than any other cichlids really, because I had to catch them myself to relocate them to another tank when I found out they weren't Africans...I think Africans are a little faster, but anyways.

These fish are not nice....maybe it's because they are a breeding pair, but they definitely are more aggressive than I thought they'd be. They killed my Demon Eartheater (who was bigger)....and this only happened because I only had room in my grow-out tank for them....this tank is full of smaller cichlids and juvenile fish...etc. random assortment. They also beat up my juvenile pearl cichlids (Geophagus brasiliensis).

Have any of you heard of these fish? Does anyone on here have any? I would be interested to hear your experiences. Sorry about the rant, but it's just REALLY irritating, when you get bad customer service. When I worked at PetSmart, I didn't talk out of my butt.....I picked the best specimens for the customers (or whatever ones they wanted) and I gave good advice and did my research, and that's just a big chain store that hires pretty much anyone. I would love to have that guy's job seeing how I am a college student and only have a 7.00/hr internship. I would do a hell of a better job than he did!



Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jul 18, 2005
Michigan's UP
Well, I know that considering their size, Neets are a very aggressive fish. Most people that keep them have them in a tank all by themselves. It doesn't surprise me that they took out your fish.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 24, 2009
La Crosse, WI
Yeah they are pretty fun...I rearranged my tanks a little bit (stocking) and moved a small gold severum and festium out of my 55 and put replaced them with the Neets....haven't checked on em yet, I was too busy with schoolwork...

croc 2-3

Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Apr 26, 2005
Neets are highly aggressive especially for their size. Honestly they may be better with the africans if all you have is geophagus. The neets. are better equiped to be with something like dempseys, red devils, anything not large enough to swallow them. ie. no parachromis species. As for the store employee he may have been refering to the jewels which are from africa. When I had neets. they kept grammodes, butterkofri,& the likes at bay. I assume you either got another fish or they weren't 2 males if they spawned. Do not give them their own tank unless you have at least 3 other fish to keep the pair from turning on each other.