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Red devil


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
I work at a lfs we just got a red devil brought in he dosnt seem agressive I put him in a 55 long by himself. I’m wonder if he could go into my 210 at home I have a single oscar a green terror and a 6 inch jack Dempsey. And a small jeweled chiclid who could go to my 75g I know they are know to be agressive but how agressive
I've had very different experiences, i currently have adult males of trimac, chancho and midas in a 180. they are all between 5-8 yrs old. cichlids don't do well when there is just 2 fish but given a group to disperse aggression, no one laying eggs and adding the most aggressive last you would be surprised what works.
It will all depend on the fish. I've had some Red Devils that were serial killers and others who were only regular killers. I'm talking about mature males. Once they hit a certain size the males require territory and even a 220 isn't enough for more than 1.
I can attest to what everyone else has said. The Red devil/Midevil will absolutely cook those cichlids. Obviously every individual is different but I would say even individuals on the more docile side would still bully those cichlids. Imo, if this individual is already trying to go after the parrots there then it would only be a matter of time till it has the other cichlids all cowering in a corner of that 210g.