J jay Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 3, 2005 17 0 0 Jul 16, 2005 #1 i just aquired a gar today, and i believe he might have gotten the red dot from transportation. Would any one know what it is. The red dot is at the front of the botom jaw. ill get pics up tonight, can anyone help? Needle nose gar btw
i just aquired a gar today, and i believe he might have gotten the red dot from transportation. Would any one know what it is. The red dot is at the front of the botom jaw. ill get pics up tonight, can anyone help? Needle nose gar btw
B BGG Feeder Fish MFK Member Mar 30, 2005 410 0 0 44 Ohio Jul 16, 2005 #2 Latin name? Sometimes longnose gars are called needlenoses, but not often... typically that name is used for needlefish, which are not true gars.
Latin name? Sometimes longnose gars are called needlenoses, but not often... typically that name is used for needlefish, which are not true gars.
P piranha45 Fire Eel MFK Member Mar 30, 2005 2,982 13 68 kay Jul 16, 2005 #3 prolly talking about hujetas...
G guppy Small Squiggly Thing Apr 15, 2005 11,582 87 0 confused, lost, and lonely Jul 16, 2005 #4 You are probably right in that the mark is bruising, just keep an eye on it for a couple of days.
D DRaGoNoVA Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 19, 2005 172 0 0 36 Singapore Aug 2, 2005 #5 prob juz a bruise not to worry