I am thinking of putting a 745 gallon tank together. Its 10 foot by 4 foot by 30 inches. I am planning to have a stocking of some crazy combinations that I know will work. I will have a bunch of cover and have a black arowana, 2 flower stingrays, 10 siamese algae eaters, 50 denison barbs, 13 discus, 1 banded leporinus, 10 striped anostomus, 7 clown loaches, 9 red head geophagus. I was thinking of adding a giant ripsaw catfish. I've done some research and have found they get around 3 feet longin captivity, which I am not worried about with the 10 foot long tank, but according to the website, they eat fish that are really small, and able to fit in their small mouths. Denisons, anostomus, algae eaters are relatively fast fish. So I was wondering if they could work with the ripsaw. Please post any other care or experience that you guys have had on this amazing catfish. Thanks!