Roeboides wild caught glass headstander tetras

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Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
These were caught near San Martin in central Panama
each had a little ick, so I treated the 180 gal tank with 18 gallons of Pacific sea water, and the ick seems to have disappeared. They also had a touch of Lymphocystis, and what could be Lernea (anchor worm)
Tried to focus on the parasite in the above photo.
I still have the same ones I started with 2 years ago.
Even though wild (they were caught in a river near here) they immediately took prepared (commercial foods), although I supplement with shrimp from a near by creek, and local insects, and they occasionally get scraps from crustaceans and oceans fish i eat.
Below a couple recent photos.
And one with the cichlids caught with them, the same day, in the river near San Martin, Panama29663A01-31D5-4679-93FB-A69C36FFE3C1_1_201_a.jpeg
They are scale eaters, and occasionally bite offamouthful from the cichlids in the tank.
Video of their tank below
Panamanian Tank
I still have the same ones I started with 2 years ago.
Even though wild (they were caught in a river near here) they immediately took prepared (commercial foods), although I supplement with shrimp from a near by creek, and local insects, and they occasionally get scraps from crustaceans and oceans fish i eat.
Below a couple recent photos.
View attachment 1449763
View attachment 1449764
And one with the cichlids caught with them, the same day, in the river near San Martin, PanamaView attachment 1449765
They are scale eaters, and occasionally bite offamouthful from the cichlids in the tank.
Video of their tank below
Panamanian Tank
That tank is amazing! Really looks like a section of a Panama river (which I suppose it is)! What kind of goby was that?
I would love to have a small group of these in my planted community.
The goby is Eleotris either picta, pisonis, ambylopsis. I don't know for sure, it was caught right here in a small stream on IslaTaboga, and believe it probably escaped from the bilge of one of the ships waiting to enter the Panama Canal, they anchor right off shore. There usually aren't any freshwater fish on the island.
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