Royal Pleco, soft water.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
Hey Pleco experts! I’m in the frustratingly common process of rearranging/scaping/stocking my whole fish room for around the 300th time in the last couple of months since buying a new house and massively increasing my gallonage.

In the midst of all the moving and shaking I realized that I forgot to hold a place for my Royal L330! (I pretty much never see him in his current home) He’s too small to stay where he’s at right now, and far too slow growing. I have 1 really good option as far as space and tankmates, it’s my first ever black water tank.

My normal tap water Ph has fit the needs of everything I keep currently, but I’m letting the Blackwater tank cycle normally and slowly instead of jump starting it with used media; this way I’ll have all of my maintenance schedules and methods mastered to keep the parameters as consistent as possible. I’m currently keeping it at around 5.8 Ph, mixing almond leaves into a 55g trash can and letting them soak over the week, 5.8 is where the water sits after 7 days and that’s where the tank is at with its own leaf litter/driftwood. I’ve only ever had it jump up by maybe .1 at most and we’re talking 55g out of a 180g tank, so far stable as can be.

My question is really, since most every website I’ve seen puts their ideal Ph at closer to 6.5, would he be able to live healthy, happy, and grow in this softer water? If it’s a firm no, I’ll look at other options and perhaps shuffle up again (I’m not getting rid of the guy). If it’s a maybe/yes, what if any thing should I keep an eye out for?

180g tank; 78 degrees F; still cycling (no live additions till it’s done, no worries); Ph 5.8; FX6 canister/2x Marineland emperor 400 HOB; a handful of anubias species; future stock is 1x Satanoperca Lilith and a boat load of black neon tetras.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
I know how to acclimate it to the parameter change, I’m really just wondering if slightly softer water will affect long term health, or if that would really only matter if pushing to the extreme, this is about a 1.0 overall Ph shift from its current tank and about .7 lower than most websites out for their range. Realizing that a lot of those websites have unreliable info at best, I’m trying to confirm with the experts here.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
How are you cycling at such a low ph? Everyone that I have known with a PH below 6, has had trouble doing a traditional cycle. Eventually they get the PH up to at least 6.5 to see any progress with the cycle.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
How are you cycling at such a low ph? Everyone that I have known with a PH below 6, has had trouble doing a traditional cycle. Eventually they get the PH up to at least 6.5 to see any progress with the cycle.
Well honestly I’ve been having a local fishkeeper who keeps Blackwater tanks come by and check it periodically, he informed me that they never “truly cycle” so that’s why I’m keeping the bioload down and filling it with tons of low-light water column feeding plants. He essentially said to not gravel vacuum and let a healthy biofilm form on the sand and let the brown algae take over the side and back panels, then add stocking very slowly and keep up on maintenance. He’s had a bunch of geophagus tanks set up for years with no issues so I’m taking his advice.


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
How are you cycling at such a low ph? Everyone that I have known with a PH below 6, has had trouble doing a traditional cycle. Eventually they get the PH up to at least 6.5 to see any progress with the cycle.
I was warned it could take several long months, but patience isn’t a problem.


Blue Tier VIP
MFK Member
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego
Yeah at the PH, ammonia is just ammonium, and the aquatic plants will consume ammonium before nitrates.