RTC X TSN hybrid and arowana and giraffe catfish


MFK Member
Jan 21, 2008
South FL
This guy is probably close to 30 inches. His head is wider than my husband's fist. I'm thinking he's going to gulp our aro if we put it in the pond. The around is probably around 20 inches or so. It can stay in the inside tank for a little while longer, but I'd like to get him more space. The giraffe catfish is a good 18" nose to end of tail. He's becoming a prick, chasing our oscars. The husband unit thinks he'll be ok in the pond with the hybrid and the rtc (who is 2 foot plus probably). All I see is a very expensive meal or the death of two fish. Anyone have personal experiences with adding species together like this? The hybrid is a literal pig and pops anything that touches the water. Including hands, arms, water drops, air. He's more of a worry to me than the rtc. Pictures for tax.



Fishman Dave

MFK Member
Nov 14, 2015
West Yorkshire
I would expect your 18” giraffe to be ok with 2ft rtc and 30” cross. To be sure, feed them well the day before introducing the giraffe. Neither the rtc or the cross are what I would call aggression fish. They more keep themselves to themselves and are opportunistic night feeders. But a giraffe is also a night feeder fish so will be out and about. Your trouble ( like mine) will be trying to get the arro big enough to add to a pond of large nighttime fish when the arro is not good at seeing in the dark or at night. That may involve putting night lights in/on for a while when finally introduced.


MFK Member
Jan 21, 2008
South FL
I would expect your 18” giraffe to be ok with 2ft rtc and 30” cross. To be sure, feed them well the day before introducing the giraffe. Neither the rtc or the cross are what I would call aggression fish. They more keep themselves to themselves and are opportunistic night feeders. But a giraffe is also a night feeder fish so will be out and about. Your trouble ( like mine) will be trying to get the arro big enough to add to a pond of large nighttime fish when the arro is not good at seeing in the dark or at night. That may involve putting night lights in/on for a while when finally introduced.
There is a fan light over the pond at night. Not super bright, but sunset bright. The hybrid goes a little crazy when anyone walks up. Like begging at the side you're on. I never had any aggression issues when putting the two big guys in there. I should add, there is a roughly 9-10 inch jaguar cichlid in there as well. He turned into a bigger prick than any other fish we have, so he got tossed in there. He hides most of the time, but he hasn't been eaten yet. I suppose I could give the giraffe a try. Maybe use a laundry basket to introduce or something.


MFK Member
Jan 21, 2008
South FL
I must add that you did an excellent job raising that catfish
Thank you! We got him at a pet supermarket at around 3 or 4 inches for 15 bucks. They just had it listed as "catfish" and almost rang it up as a common pleco. Lol, yep. Sure. It's a pleco.


Senior Curator
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MFK Member
Dec 31, 2009
Naples, FL, USA
I'd echo Fishman Dave.

How big is the pond? The smaller it is, the riskier would be any new addition and future co-habbing and interactions.

The pond must be covered or the arowana will jump out. 100%.

20" arowana would fit in a mouth of 2ft rtc and 2.5ft tsnxrtc. I'd not risk it. It will end up in their mouth from my experience.

18" g-cat is a bit too fragile too to go in with the brutes. Can be tried but don't be surprised if one day the brutes will try to taste it and check it for swallowability. RTC are scavengers. They don't know apriori what they can or cannot swallow until they try. This has been a downfall of many RTC tank mates in our experience and that of others. Kind of the same for the hybrid. Hybrids are EXTREMELY zealous feeders. Just as you describe.

I'd grow out the aro and the gcat to 2ft or more before trying. But long term, we stopped housing adult silver arowana with adult RTC and Co many years ago. The RTC, the hybrids, etc. will kill the adult silvers trying to swallow one when it bumped its head and is discombobulated and need time to recover on the bottom. Sooner or later.

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