SA Centerpiece for a small tank


MFK Member
Jul 8, 2009
Very long story short, lost all my tanks due to a house fire and while I'm still recovering and will eventually get some larger tanks in the house, not having any tanks feels wrong. So I picked up a cheap 36 gallon bowfront (roughly 31"x16"x23") and want to do a low maintenance semi planted low bioload tank. Will be a school of tetras, what kind depends on the Centerpiece fish, and a small group of kuhli loaches. I know there are a wide variety of smaller SA species I just don't know much about them to figure out what could thrive.

Looking for something colorful, relatively larger than the rest of the tankmates and would do well as a loaner of its species.
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MFK Member
Jun 21, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I feel your loss! I had a home burn down in 2015 and lost everything. Including a 7 year old Argentinean Tegu, several young Ball Pythons (the early stage of an attempted breeding program, all fancy morphs) and a 125 Gal aquarium with my prized Cichlids after already greatly reducing my fish stock. I wish you the best in rebuilding your life, your necessities and when appropriate your fish collection.

There are a few Dwarf Cichlids that would be very comfortable in that aquarium. There are quite a few species within Apistogramma. Most do well in small breeding groups with 1 male and any number of females. I have tried more than 1 male in groups several times, but only successfully in larger tanks. There is also a Dwarf Cichlid called Rams (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) that would do well, though they do best in male/female pairs, not groups.

Either option would primarily stay at the bottom of the tank. This leaves your upper levels open for something else. You could go with Angel fish, which I don't know much about. Or a bunch of smaller community fish.

After my fire I was in a similar situation for a few years and kept a single 40 breeder. I kept 2 male Apistos (no females) and a group of Endlers. I had several house plants (Pothos & Black Pagoda) that dropped into the tank. Using plants and rocks I set up several areas with a lot of crevices and caves the fish couldn't get into then added Cherry Shrimp. It was a fun little tank that scratched my fish itch. Then when I got more critical things in place I was able to start re-growing my aquatic hobby and just last week ordered several huge aquariums.

Take the time you need to rebuild. You'll get there. And make the most out of your smaller aquarium until you do.
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MFK Member
Jul 8, 2009
Thanks and it's going to take a couple of years to fully recover. Until then I can't fathom not having a tank in the house. I have been a fish keeper for about 17 years now and it's something I need for myself. I've been strictly 150+ gallon large cichlids for the past ten years or so which makes this tank a bit out of my wheelhouse. Which is kinda fun and exciting to me.

I completely forgot about blue/gold rams. I didn't think my tank was large enough for Angel Fish, I'll have to look into that.


MFK Member
Mar 3, 2010
Northwest, Indiana
I have a 36g bowfront with simple plant, tetras and recently acquired a keyhole(bottom left). The keyhole isn’t much bigger than the tetras but I’m optimistic it will work .IMG_8236.jpeg
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