• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Savannah Monitor Female


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 17, 2008
Las Vegas
Here are a couple pics of my new savannah monitor. I snapped a couple photos while she was chasing aound the stream of water while I was misting her cage.

She is almost 2 ft now growing quick.

She is in a 6ft x 2 ft temp enclosure right now. She is not big enough to get intoduced to the male. This enclosure only has 6'' of dirst/sand, a 130F basking spot (40 watt bulb), and a 80F cool end, with multiple hiding spots. She is growing quick on a diet of rodents, fish, and roaches.

This is an older pic of the cage she will be going to. I need to wait till she gets bigger to go with the male. I had another male that I thought was female at first, so I traded that male for this female.
I need to update pics, there is some leaf litter and hollow logs now. The male has also made a nice tunnel from one end of the cage to the other.The bed liner is also holding up perfect after the first year.