what's the current thinking and/or consensus on big sea-shells in the decor?
I've got a few big conch shells that will cover current habitat needs, IE without waiting for bamboo to sink or cement to cure.
I use urchin shells when i can get them home without crushing. Also dead branching coral skeleton, plus clean-dead tube & massive sponges & other stuff. Dead & live snails, mostly ramshorn & mystery shells. Tank in question is 230USgal with coral-sand substrate, plus snails. Intended to be rift valley cichlids, but I got bored waiting for breeders & set angels & tetras.
what's the current thinking and/or consensus on big sea-shells in the decor?
I've got a few big conch shells that will cover current habitat needs, IE without waiting for bamboo to sink or cement to cure.
I use urchin shells when i can get them home without crushing. Also dead branching coral skeleton, plus clean-dead tube & massive sponges & other stuff. Dead & live snails, mostly ramshorn & mystery shells. Tank in question is 230USgal with coral-sand substrate, plus snails. Intended to be rift valley cichlids, but I got bored waiting for breeders & set angels & tetras.