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Seashells as decor


Peacock Bass
MFK Member
what's the current thinking and/or consensus on big sea-shells in the decor?
I've got a few big conch shells that will cover current habitat needs, IE without waiting for bamboo to sink or cement to cure.

I use urchin shells when i can get them home without crushing. Also dead branching coral skeleton, plus clean-dead tube & massive sponges & other stuff. Dead & live snails, mostly ramshorn & mystery shells. Tank in question is 230USgal with coral-sand substrate, plus snails. Intended to be rift valley cichlids, but I got bored waiting for breeders & set angels & tetras.
They will adda bit of extra buffering capacity and may slightly raise pH, as does the aragonite sand.
Great for Afriican rift lake species, or Central Americans.
Not so great for soft water, low pH South American species .
As noted, good for tanks where the goal s having hardish water and pH above neutral. If placed in softer water and lower pH, overtime the shells dissolvev(to an extent), becoming less colorful and smoother over time. But good as caves.