sick bluegill

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
May 9, 2017
Have a few of these. One is sick?Another might be getting it. Any ideas? Contagious? Treatment required? They are still small(under 4 inches) in a 30 gallon well maintained. Not much aggression in tank.Ydcgr.jpg Hgdvbh.jpg Hgghnnb.jpg Ffcbjgf.jpg
Looks like it may be some basic old fin rot. Should be easy to treat with some fin rot meds or aquarium salt may help too.

If they are wild caught I would try treating them for internal parasites as well.
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I do see the fin rot now in the first two pictures. The last two pictures were taken a while ago where the tail fin itself seems fine but the body of the tail is pink. Could it be the same thing?
If it helps that tail has been pink for weeks. The fin rot is a new development.
It depends on the severity of the infection and how healthy the fish is. Some bacterial infections quickly overwhelm fish while others are kept at bay almost indefinitely. It looks like the infection is slowly winning in some of the pictures.
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