Sick Koi, Pinkish Red Fin, What to do?

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Mystus Redtail

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 8, 2007
Fishing in Wisconsin
My roommate recently noticed that one fin on his 8-10" butterfly koi has turned pinkish red and it is holding the fin close to its side. The disease probably came to his tank via a couple of Walmart koi that he tried adding to the tank without quarantining first.... I was wondering what to do. So far we've done a 40-50% water change and then added a fungus water treatment. I believe one of the active ingredients is acriflaven... We also added aquarium salt. Has anyone seen this disease before, or have suggestions?
the koi most likely has a internal hemorrhage going on treat with Morten's water softener salt ..and dose with Emycin
Its been a week or so and he has gotten worse. We tried a water treatment for bacteria, and we've been feeding an antibacterial food for about 6 days now, twice a day. The red has spread from the one fin to the entire body of the fish. The tips of the fins are starting to fray as well... I'm worried if something doesn't change soon he won't be long for this world... Any help or suggestions are needed. Thanks

oh, we did another 50% water change today and added salt.
Red fins? Can you see blood veins? Anti-bacterial added? Could also be ammonia poisioning. I would see a good aquarium store asap with a water sample and some clear photos of your fish. The fish is clearly getting worse.
Too late. It died after the the red spread all over the body, another large goldfish that was in the tank with him is getting very bad as well...