Silver Arowana and African Knife Fish Compatibility?
Hey guys.. I just introduced a African Knife Fish into my Silver Aro tank. Are they compatible? I thought I saw the Knife fish take a bite at my Arowana. Any suggestions or has any one been in a situation like this before. My tank is around 180 gallons. Aro is around a foot and knife must be about 20 cm. The tank is bare.. no gravel no deco..nothing.. I thought of putting a pipe in so the knife could hide in the morning when the lights are on and i could switch it off in the night so he can swim around.. Please help. thanks.
Hey guys.. I just introduced a African Knife Fish into my Silver Aro tank. Are they compatible? I thought I saw the Knife fish take a bite at my Arowana. Any suggestions or has any one been in a situation like this before. My tank is around 180 gallons. Aro is around a foot and knife must be about 20 cm. The tank is bare.. no gravel no deco..nothing.. I thought of putting a pipe in so the knife could hide in the morning when the lights are on and i could switch it off in the night so he can swim around.. Please help. thanks.