Small tank project - Serrasalmus Sanchezi

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 5, 2025
Hi everyone,
I am about to start a Serrasalmus piranha project.
For now I cannot afford huge tanks for big Serrasalmus so I'll go for the smallest one available, Serrasalmus Sanchezi, who only grows up to 7 inch and is also one of the prettiest looking ones in my opinion.

I don't have the fish yet, I will get a baby Sanchezi (3 or 4 inch) through my LFS in a few month.
In the meantime, I am planning all the necessary setup to make sure I get everything right from the start.

The tank I'll use for 2 or 3 years (before upgrading to a 55 gallons) is this 30 gallon
I plan to remove the internal filter and use a canister like this one :

I will fill the tank with just a very thin layer of sand, some woods and rocks with anubias and some vallisneria.

Considering this is a river species, I was wondering about adding an additional powerhead :
- do I need one, considering that I am planning to get that oversized filter for a relatively small aquarium ? would the current generated by the pump of the filter already be enough ?
- if I do need the powerhead, how big should it be ?
- how should I orient it ? should it go the same direction of the exit of the filter, or should it be on the opposite side to "push" the water towards the filter intake ? I am afraid the current going towards the filter and the one coming from the filter would create a weird current from both right and left that would not benefit the fish, but I have never used powerheads in aquarium so I need you advice.

Also, PH of my tap water is 7.5, I might consider using osmosis for water changes as I'd rather have it at 6.5 or 7 but I never read much about water values from Piranha keepers so I wonder if it's really a deal.

That's it for now, hope somebody can answer to my questions on the powerhead :)
A good canister provides good flow, if you use one I wouldn’t worry about a powerhead. If you do get one, I generally like to aim mine towards the surface to provide good surface agitation.
I’d recommend adding a floating plant like hornwort, duckweed, or water lettuce. Piranhas are sensitive to light and prefer to have cover.
For a first tank, why not do a 40 breeder? The 18 inch width makes it a much better long term tank for the piranha, you could debatably keep one for life in that size (depending on activity levels).
Thanks !
So it seems that Eheim filter should already provide the water flow and i won’t need any extra Powerhead.
Hope it’s not too oversized now 😅
Concerning the breeder, it seems like it’s not a very usual size here in Europe, and even less so considering I will need a lid to avoid the fish jumping out. But yeah a few more inches of deepness would be better if i manager to find it