whats the smallest cichlid i could get and for how much? something that could fit in a 20g? what kind of decor? argonite and rocks? need some info. thanks
Lamprologus multifasciatus.
A small colony would do great in a 20 gallons. Maled max out at just under 2", females at about 1-1.5". Once established they reproduce quickly.
I believe Neolamprologus multifasciatus is the smallest known cichlid but could be wrong....you'd get more info about those in the african rift lake cichlids forum.
there are also several types of south american dwarves that you could keep in a 20...rams or one of many types of appistogrammas...you'll get more info on these in the central and south american cichlids forum
so, I'd maybe do a little bit of googling on each of those types and see if one type interests you more than the others and then post again in one of the more specific subforums.
how many of either of the two i posted pics of could i put in a 20g? how many if both were in there? could i put in any at all. im completely new to cichlids so i need some real advice! thanks!
i would say neither of the two, but options are other than those already mentioned, small non-rift lake cichlids like buffaloheads or African butterfly cichlids (can't remember the latin name)