snakeheads + air pump also tank mate question

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Oct 30, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
A week or two ago I purchased a tetra whisper 40 for my 33 gallon tank when I was anticipating getting fish that would benefit from the air pump.

Since this time (the air pump is now running in the tank which is being cycled) I've changed my mind about my stock list and I will be adding 4x channa bleheri to this tank as opposed to my original stock idea.

I know channa surface to breathe air and according to the research I've done channa live just fine in "oxygen depleted water" .. does this mean if I was to keep the 4x channa in my tank without the air pump running they would be just as fine and healthy as if I had the air pump added. If this is the case I would most likely remove the air pump from the tank. this would be an added bonus as the tank is in my room and the less noise the tank makes the better. Or if it would at all be beneficial to the fish to have the air pump running I don't mind doing that either.

Question 2:

I may very well leave this tank a species only tank with just the four snakeheads in there but recently I've been reading more and more articles with people telling of other fish they've managed to successfully keep with channa bleheri. I would like to know everyones theory on how this would work it .. if I can try to add some tank mates I deffinatly will for a small bit of variety but its far from neccisary.

If I am able to add tank mates I'd like to know some fish that people have either had success with keeping with channa bleheri .. or that in your opinion could be attempted to be kept with these channa in my 33 gallon tank. (would clown loaches work with channa bleheri if they were relatively the same size at the moment?)

I'll post some pics of the channa when I receive them!
Snakeheads don't need airiation in the tank. Be sure to have a good cover, snakeheads are very good escape artists. As for tankmates, what are the dimensions of the tank?
More oxygen in the water is good for the tank. Air pumps help your biological filter. All of the bacteria that break down ammonia and nitrite need oxygen, and if you have a poorly oxygenated tank, you will not have as much biological bacteria building up in your gravel and decor.

So while the fish breathe just fine, they may be getting burned by ammonia or brown blood disease from nitrite. Just like a betta in a bowl.
More oxygen in the water is good for the tank. Air pumps help your biological filter. All of the bacteria that break down ammonia and nitrite need oxygen, and if you have a poorly oxygenated tank, you will not have as much biological bacteria building up in your gravel and decor.

So while the fish breathe just fine, they may be getting burned by ammonia or brown blood disease from nitrite. Just like a betta in a bowl.

Thanks for the information! The fact that the air pump would aid at all in my tanks health is enough reason for me to run it as I've already purchased it anyway.

And Justin my tank is a 33 gallon tank which is 36" L x 12" W x 18" H I believe. Any suggestions of what would work well? I've heard people say that keeping tank mates is impossible due to the fact that channa bleheri are sub tropical fish .. however I've also read man articles and watched many videos of this species living with other fish so curious how that would all work out ..
That tanks a bit small for any other fish, let alone the snakehead itself IMO. I guess if you have one of the dwarf species it would be fine by itself but most species grow much larger.
That tanks a bit small for any other fish, let alone the snakehead itself IMO. I guess if you have one of the dwarf species it would be fine by itself but most species grow much larger.

I am getting 4x channa bleheri which grow to max of 8" .. four of these will be fine in my tank, I've already double and triple checked! Other then when pairing up as that may cause an issue. I will first have only the channa in the tank for a while to see how they settle in then I'll decide about adding tankmates but just trying to size up my options for tank mates if/when the time comes!