Some new babies -- Uaru sp. 'orange'

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2008
Hello MFK,

I've been a lurker here for quite a while but I finally decided to join in the fun. I am a discus/angelfish man but I've always had a soft spot for severums and uaru.

Recently I "met" Dale Jordan online and found out that he'd spawned and raised the first instance of F1 Uaru sp. 'orange'. He put me in touch with Mark Robinson of RMC Aquatics who, in addition to Jeff Rapps, got some fry from Dale.

Thanks to Mark and Dale, I now have seven happy little orange uaru swimming around in a quarantine tank. They mow through any kind of food I throw at them. They love ONF2 frozen cubes, bloodworms, shaved beefheart, flakes... you name it.

These pictures are only hours out of the box. They acclimated immediately and are already showing off their little personalities.


Here's a brief video of them exploring.

I also got pictures of the adults from Dale. Here's one of them...


I'll update pictures of these guys as they grow. They'll eventually be grown out in my 150 and then split up into pairs. How cute are they as babies, though?

I got a few from rapps as well.
I like that they aren't shy but rather very active (about getting food at least)
Carg R;3002300; said:
I got a few from rapps as well.
I like that they aren't shy but rather very active (about getting food at least)

They are definitely not shy about food. That's one of my favorite parts about uaru. I've kept both U. amphiacanthoides and U. fernandezyepezi and they were all voracious eaters. They were always happy to see me walk up to the tank.

It's amazing how many people in the hobby have never seen or heard of them. I try to tell everyone about them. They're one of the coolest cichlids to keep, IMO.