Spine in the pointy finger..ouch

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MFK Member
Jul 4, 2005
Cypress, CA
I needed to move my Sinipercas into the front tank because they are getting bigger. So I was successful catching the first 3, but the fourth one hid between the filter and the glass. SO, bravely, I poke my finger in there to coax the fish to come out. HOLY PUTZ!, the spine got me. OMG, I think it's poisonous, because now my finger is swelling and hurts like a *****!!!
Vince said:
I needed to move my Sinipercas into the front tank because they are getting bigger. So I was successful catching the first 3, but the fourth one hid between the filter and the glass. SO, bravely, I poke my finger in there to coax the fish to come out. HOLY PUTZ!, the spine got me. OMG, I think it's poisonous, because now my finger is swelling and hurts like a *****!!!

Feel around. It's possible a tip of the spine may have broken off inside of your finger and infection is setting in.
Ouch, put it under hot water, although it may be to late, i think that is supposed to slow the spread of it or something. Stories like these dont help me in trying to turn my mom over to allow me to get a lionfish though.
I hope your finger starts to feel better, hope your now allergic to it. :thumbsup:
Fish_are_fishfood said:
hope your now allergic to it. :thumbsup:

i know you mispelled it, but I couldn't help but laugh when i saw this :ROFL:
I was more worried about the fish. I hope I didn't take away it's defense mechanism. Finger still hurts like hell, but the fish is just hiding in the corner now. Damn it hurt so bad.
Benfica540 said:
i know you mispelled it, but I couldn't help but laugh when i saw this :ROFL:

omg, I just realized that and am cracking up now that you say it, ha. I mean (not*) not (now). :ROFL:

Hope your fish turns out good along with you buddy :thumbsup: