Spiny Dogfish Disection :D

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 4, 2008
Canada... i wish.
here are some pics from my lab i had yesturday :D


the brain:

internal cavity:

Cool pics! Learning about sharks in a 'hands on' setting is always a good time.
I forget how bleached out the color is on lab prepped animals. I got so accustomed to doing fresh mortality necropsies.

Edit: Did you get to keep the jaws at least?! That's the highlight of any shark necropsy.
Zoodiver;4144470; said:
Cool pics! Learning about sharks in a 'hands on' setting is always a good time.
I forget how bleached out the color is on lab prepped animals. I got so accustomed to doing fresh mortality necropsies.

Edit: Did you get to keep the jaws at least?! That's the highlight of any shark necropsy.

lol yes. we left it at our school. ill have to go get it tomorrow morning.
A good tooth brush, a sharp knife and some bleach go a long way. Then set them out in the sun in the position you like best.

Here's a set from a female black tip shark and one of the pups I found on necopsy a couple weeks ago.


With a pen for size reference:


Up close of the lower rows of teeth:

dangs thats really cool. from what i remember, spiny dogfish dont have teeth, its like sting rays, kinda like grinding plates.
Sorta, but you can do the same thing. Just don't over do the bleach, or they fall apart. I've done several ray and guitarfish jaws as well.
Nice pix! It's always fun to get to be "hands on" as Matt said, and yea, lol when I first saw them I was like "dang, blanched much, and no fun blood to work around" then I remembered you said you were doing a lab, not a fresh necrop. Then I read Matt's post and realized he had the same initial reaction so I didn't feel so weird, hahaha. No but really, take all you can from those labs and really get in there and try to analyze and understand everything you can. There's nothing like the ability to truly understand an animal inside and out. Thanks for sharing!
Hah cool. What are you going to School For?
im a bio science major at my university :D
i had to do a frog i wanted a shark so bad but my school is retarted