Stingrays and Breathe

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Feb 16, 2024
Have you tested your water?
If yes, what is your ammonia?
If yes, what is your nitrite?
If yes, what is your nitrate?
If I did not test my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
Do you do water changes?
What percentage of water do you change?
How frequently do you change your water?
Every week
If I do not change my water...
  1. ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
Good evening and happy holidays. I wanted to ask if you think my rays, even though they just ate, are breathing faster than normal. Today I removed the air pump as a test and put a wavemaker in its place. The aquarium is 1500 liters, the temperature is 27.3 degrees Celsius (I'm thinking of dropping it to 26.5, should I do that?). Ammonia is 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates never go beyond 15-20 since I do water changes 2-3 times a week depending on the condition of the aquarium from 20%-50% each time. I've had the fish for a year and they eat mussels and anchovies every day, sometimes I feed them superworms and shrimp. My filtersystem are: 2* 1200xl Eheim full biological media, 2*fx6 for mechanical filtration and one 1500xl Eheim full of biological media
spotfin spotfin Gpdriftwood Gpdriftwood scott s scott s
They look healthy and happy to me. If they just ate aggressively, then no worries as far as I see. Don't know why u would run a circulation pump rather than an air pump though. More air, the better imo. Air + circulation vs. just circulation doesn't make sense to me. Good looking rays.
They look healthy and happy to me. If they just ate aggressively, then no worries as far as I see. Don't know why u would run a circulation pump rather than an air pump though. More air, the better imo. Air + circulation vs. just circulation doesn't make sense to me. Good looking rays.
Thanks a lot for the answer and sorry for the so late answer from me. I had a big air pump but after the first days of the wave maker the fish are much more active and looks more happy. I don’t believe that the wave maker on my system would work better. I can’t explain it
Why not leave the air pump and the wavemaker? Can't hurt right? Redundant aeration is just standard on my tanks now even though I keep nothing as large or demanding as rays.