• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

stock list help 300 gallon


Feeder Fish
I plan on purchasing a 300 gallon aquarium in the near future. The dimensions will be 96 inches in length x 30 inches in height x 24 inches deep. Here is a list of the fish I would like. I am aware that some of these species are incompatible, this is just a wish list of sorts. so given the species on the list what would your ideal stock be. Also, feel free to add any species that you feel would spice up the stock!

geophagus steindachneri

geophagus altifrons

geophagus brasiliensis

satanoperca jurupari


other large cichlid species except oscars


clown loaches

sun catfish

columbian sharks

bala sharks

silver dollars

asian arowana

Motoro stingray

knifefish, any

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Sounds like you're in the same situation I was in. I have the same size tank and struggled on what I wanted for a while. I did peacock bass for a few years but got tired and bored with them so I sold them. I'm very satisfied with my stock which is actually fish on your wish list and they're doing great. I wanted to have a top level swimmer, mid level then of course bottom level fish so the tank looks occupied. So I currently have an 18" Jardini (Asians aros are illegal in the U.S. but I'm not sure where you're located) but if you're able to legally own and purchase an Asian Aro you should get one, 6 geo altifrons and 6 geo daemons, and a BD ray and Motoro ray. My tank is very well filtered and water stays in pristine condition. I wish I could add a shoal of clown loaches but between the Jardini and the rays they would disappear unless I found a few 7" and up. Take your time in your decision and remember it's your tank and your money so get whatever you like and can afford. I believe all the fish you have are compatible as long as they're not small enough to fit in another fishes mouth. Hope that helped a little.