Stocking ideas?


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Mar 23, 2017
I'm interested in adding to my tank. I have:

125 Gallon (6' long) low end brackish (~1.005):
Originally intended to get mudskippers and a figure 8 puffer
Haven't been able to find the mudskippers and had a recommendation to not mix a puffer with the skippers
I do have:
2 Hogchokers (~3" & 3.5")
~20++ Mollies (started with 6 adults, have seen a hog choker eat 1 fry, I hope they're eating more, and assume the adult mollies are eating many of the fry)
~20 ghost shrimp
I had a few snails but I've seen hogchokers sucking on shells and now the snails are pretty much gone (could have also been the slow increase in salinity)

My algae increased significantly after I thinned my water sprite and since then the water sprite has been anemic.

Interested in/considering: mudskippers (if I can find them, but prefer smaller species, such as the Indian Dwarf), Florida Flag Fish (help with some algae), nerite snails (help with algae), still like the idea of a figure 8 puffer, but don't want to have it kill everything in the tank, vaguely interested in a sand sifter of some sort, but wouldn't want anything to harm the hogchokers.

I prefer to keep a lower bioload, so I obviously wouldn't want all of the options I've listed above. Your thoughts???

I also have:

10 gal feeder tank
ghost shrimp (for the hoped for mudskippers to supplement crickets and frozen food)
snails (for the dreamed of figure 8 puffer, although the ghost shrimp have eaten a lot of them)

10 gallon
"Super Shrimp" Opae Ula tank (partly a feeder option early on for the hog chokers, but the shrimp, while reproducing, did not increase in population fast enough)

10 gallon QT
a few snails waiting for some company

Thanks for your time and ideas.

Lebanon, Virginia