strange coloration??

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
i have to pecocks in my tank. well to make a short story short. one of them got this strange dark coloring only on one side of its face. literaly like right down the middle and gose about as far back as the gill cover no further. now im not sure what it is. see they are coloring out right now so i was asuming that it was coloring out funny. but then i noteced that i was missing a alto compresicep. i found it wedged up in a shell dead and i was probably there for a few days because oh my god it was rank. so i removed it and threw out the shell also changed the water in the tank. the discoloration is going away slowly now.

just wanted an opinion. could the dead fish have caused this dark grey discoloration?? or should i be treating for something else.
i dunno about the coloration, but that dead comprecissep could have released alot more ammonia and nitrites than your filter was prepared for. Check those parameters.
Many times dark pigment appears as part of the healing process. Damage can occur from other fish, or ammonia burns, etc. Also, some fish (goldfish, midas complex cichlids, and others) produce dark pigment as they mature, it usually goes away after a few days or weeks. Sometimes it will disappear after a water change.
I'm no expert but we had a cichlid that had almost the exact same symptom as you describe. One morning his face was black only on left side. He was like that for weeks. We eventually found in one of our fish disease books that a tumor can cause this. The book is called "Handbook of Fish Disease" ( There is a section on changes in coloration, it's on page 17. Anyway, the book is very helpful and is worth getting. I hope this helps a bit.