currently raising a group of 6 uaru I bought this group back about exactly 13 months ago at about .5-3/4ths inches long. I started them out in a 125 all by themselves fed daily and did huge 80% water changed weekly feeding spirlina flakes and extreme community pewee which has been a good known food for mbuna because of it’s low fat content and spirlina contents these fish grow incredibly slow i eventually got impatient and moved them to my 600 that I am growing out some fish for a nice South American community tank these fish eat like hogs constantly pushing other fish out of the way for their share my water parameters are all totally I’ve tested multiple times as of today the biggest fish is about 4 inches long and the whole group is finally started to show that black blotch on their side their known for am I doing something wrong? This seems like an incredibly slow growth rate for a cichlid the fish seem totally healthy never miss a meal and never act out of the ordinary ever, are they just slow growers? Pictures never do fish justice and I will admit they do look better in person but don’t they seem incredibly small for being a year old