Strange pigmentation chocolate cichlid (natural occurance, genetic oddity or Hybrid?


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
Been eyeing this fish up in the LFS for months, it came in really tiny and its always had these black blothces on it. almost like it is fading. As far as i know Chocolate cichlids don't have this. I have kept a few in the past and soem have looked different than others But I can't even find a single picture of another chocolate that looks like this.
I originally thought that the fish would grow out of it but today I just gave in and brought the fish. seems to be in really nice condition and has very different shaped fins compared to the other chocolates I've had.

The markings can be described as similar to a piebald convict or to the flower blotches on a flowerhorn, they even show the same irridescance.

if the fish is a pure chocolate then I would like to know how to define its appearence, If its possible that it could be a hybrid then that is amazing in its own right.
Either way I've been wanting this fish for quite a while as I like to collect any rarities that I see.

Please bare in mind I just got the fish, so he is stressed, in the store his colours were much more stable. and also I have seen the fish since it was a baby for over 6 months. If anything the black blotches are only getting more common, and it doesnt seem to have lost any. they seem to be permanent. when he came in they just orderded Misc american cichlids and he turned up, but the other chocolates that they ordered by name looked normal.

Just wondering what you guys thought and wanted to share this guys cool pigmentation, slender body and long fins. he also has pigmentation on his left pectoral fin.

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Silver Tier VIP
MFK Member
May 2, 2008
It's H. temporalis. A hybrid is really unlikely. As for his color, it does appear he's producing extra black pigment. This is probably just a fluke and could explain why his siblings from the same order looked normal.

Mine had the black blotches in his fins when I bought him and I hoped they'd stay, but unfortunately he grew out of them. Hopefully yours will keep them.


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
yeah I didn't think it was a hybrid its just he looks so different to any others I had owned or seen. Most suprising is that two of the dark spots are surrounded by irridescance like a flower mark.

I would think that the fish will grow out of it, but i thought that when I first saw it about 5 months ago. It does look like an over production of melanin, does anybody know the scientific term for this? Also sorry if i explained it wrong, this fish came on its own, in a shipment of assorted CA/SA cichlids. came in with a devil a gt and some Fire mouths. the other chocolates they got in later down the line were from a seperate order and they all retained the usual chocolate colouring.

Needless to say this is the first chocolate I've kept thats more red than green, so will be interesting to see how he turns out. I've seen pics of what I assume is a collection point where the fish is almost entirely red with a small amount of bright green on the upper flanks

these are the traits I can see that may be used

iridocyte (or iridophore) – cell responsible for the iridescence, reflective silver or blue sheen in a fish.
micro-melanophores – cells that are responsible for tiny black spotting on a fish.
macro-melanophores – cells that are responsible for large black blotching on a fish.

I'm unsure what exactly "small and large" spotting is, but I would guess mine is small because its not a huge portion of the fish that has an overproduction of melanin


MFK Member
Jun 28, 2012
Calgary, Canada
thanks Modest man, that is amazing. I have a hyperpigmented Chocolate cichlid. I feel I'll have to try and sex it when it gets bigger and would be interesting to breed it and see if any of the fry exhibit some hyperpigmentation


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jan 11, 2012
salem OR
Love the fins on that guy

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