Sump noob, seed some help


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Nov 22, 2021
I have always wanted to but never had the confidence to plumb a tank and run a sump. I recently bought a 75 gallon tank on Facebook marketplace for $60 with a pre drilled external eshopps medium external overflow which I will provide pictures of. I have a spare 20 gallon tall (wish it was a long) that I plan to use as the sump. Several questions here, first is that you'll notice on the left side emergency overflow/red stand pipe side is some plastic tubing that was cut off but is epoxied to a piece of PVC. Can that be easily removed? On the right side/normal overflow area is what appears to be a gate valve with a piece of epoxied PVC that should be easier to work with. Has anyone used/run a similar setup? Do I need to put a sponge or gated plastic fitting over the right sided main overflow to reduce noise/percent a clog, or will the gate valve help with reducing noise once dialed in? Also recommendations on if I should use PVC or plastic tubing, or something else to plumb the tank to the sump, aiming for simplicity and risk of malfunction. Should I be using one way junctions (not sure if that's what they're called) that only allow for water flow in one direction or the other, and if so on which lines? It's not drilled for returns so those would be hang on back. Last issue is, my 20 gallon tall doesn't have baffles, are they necessary? This is a fresh water setup, I was thinking of using large 2inch thick sponge cut to the size of the 20 gallon of various courseness to separate chambers. Suggestions on return pumps would also be appreciated, the eshopps m is rated for 800gph. Any and all help would be great appreciated, I really have no idea what I'm doing here. The guy that sold me the tank gave me a labyrinth of what appears to be .5 inch PVC with some valves that doesn't seem like it would fit into the current system





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MFK Member
Jul 12, 2017
Fredericksburg va
Overflow looks good. Those are 1" lines? Valve fully open in a herbie setup will move well over 1000gph ime, half closed maybe 500-600gph. My recommendation is to get a controllable pump rated for around 1500gph at 0' head. I like to set my flow with the drain valve, then dial the pump in to match it. The 800gph pump may be a bit wimpy, but if you only plan to run 300-400 gph through the tank it should work fine.
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MFK Member
Jun 7, 2007
Isla Taboga Panama via Milwaukee
I expect the half inch lines are for the return lines from the sump, back to the tank.
We expect (hope) that after filtraion those smaller lines are free from most detritus those the lines to the samp lines can often contain.
As a rule I usually use larger bore linea to prevent cloggong in lines "to the sump".

One other factor that I take into account, are fish preferences flow rates when planning the sump.
Fish like angels, severums, and bettas require much less flow and water movement
than fish like most Geophagus, Congo river Steatocranus or species such as Densin barbs.

Because I keep rheophiles, my flow rates must reflect a more powerful rates and oxygenation needs from my sumps.
This is my return manifold, so as to reflect that water flows my fish come from.

Beliow the rive where I catch them.

View attachment IMG_8034.jpeg
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