Sump overrun with plecos

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Jack Dempsey
MFK Member
Nov 18, 2018
Pacific Northwest
A few years ago Fishguy1978 graciously shared a few BN albino pleco fry with me. they‘ve been co-existing peacefully with my 5 RH Tapajos - in fact so well that they’ve been spawning. I found these little guys in my sump a while ago:
Somehow they slipped past my Tapajos and now I have 10-15 fry of various sizes living in my sump.
I assume they are fine living down there and can even help with cleanup?
here’s a picture of one of my RH’s that I’ve raised from a fry:

Geo looks great. Any serious aggression from the geos when spawning?
Geo looks great. Any serious aggression from the geos when spawning?
The Geo's pretty much leave the Pleco's alone. The only real aggression is the 3 large male Geo's occasional lip-locking squabbles.
I am amazed that the pleco fry make it from the caves to the top of the overflow box - kind of like running a gauntlet.