- Have you tested your water?
- Yes
- If I did not test my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be asked to do a test, and that water tests are critical for solving freshwater health problems.
- Do you do water changes?
- Yes
- If I do not change my water...
- ...I recognize that I will likely be recommended to do a water change, and water changes are critical for preventing future freshwater health problems.
I have had a couple run ins with the generic "sunken belly white poop" disease in cichlids, and have treated it rather easily with metroplex. Now what perplexes me however, is where it comes from. It is a parasite, and unlike bacteria that would cause things like fin rot or other bacterial infections based on wounds that are pretty much always there, I do not expect it to always be present in tanks. Furthermore, where does it come from? Unless I am mistaken, and it is in fact always there and just affects mildly immunocompromised fish like TB does, but just isn't pandemic levels of infectious/contagious/deadly.