Sunken Stomach?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


Fire Eel
MFK Member
Jun 19, 2009
I'm hoping someone with more experience can help me figure out if this fish has what people deemed a sunken stomach? I want to say it came in worst, but I've had it in my tank for exactly 2 weeks now. It's fairly shy but I have witnessed it doing the motions of eating. It poops like there's no tomorrow, but it's hard to tell if it's getting all the nutrition it needs, so now I am getting paranoid with it's stomach.

What do you guys think? Is it the angle it's on causing it to look sunken? If this is not a sunken stomach, can someone show me what it's suppose to look like ? I have other plecos and I want to be on a look out for it.

Don’t keep panaques myself but has a sunken look to it. Maybe a better pic to decide. Recall if it was like this when you bought it? Was it treated or quarantined before buying?
Don’t keep panaques myself but has a sunken look to it. Maybe a better pic to decide. Recall if it was like this when you bought it? Was it treated or quarantined before buying?
It's very shy when the lights are on, so I don't think I'd be able to get a better picture. The seller does QT their fish. What I remember was that the seller asked for two more days because the Plecos were just fed and he doesn't like to ship fish on full stomachs. Again, I think it was more sunken when I got it, but I can't be positive. It's only been two weeks since I got the fish and maybe it's just getting use to my tank.

I was hoping by looking at the pic, someone would tell me how bad is it.
It's very shy when the lights are on, so I don't think I'd be able to get a better picture. The seller does QT their fish. What I remember was that the seller asked for two more days because the Plecos were just fed and he doesn't like to ship fish on full stomachs. Again, I think it was more sunken when I got it, but I can't be positive. It's only been two weeks since I got the fish and maybe it's just getting use to my tank.

I was hoping by looking at the pic, someone would tell me how bad is it.
Doesn’t look bad from the pics. Since it’s eating then it’s a good sign. Maybe give it a few days to see any changes. If not better than try some api general cure.
look OK to me. I'd make sure there's always some zucchini or other fresh veggies available over the next few days, take another pic and compare.
look OK to me. I'd make sure there's always some zucchini or other fresh veggies available over the next few days, take another pic and compare.
Yes, I always have a few slices of zucchini in the tank for all the plecos to munch on.
Best photo would be when its on the bottom, right now its upside down so it looks sunken, when they are on the glass they can have that sunken in look as well but on the bottom of the tank, especially bare bottom, can for sure tell but to me, it looks this way because of how its positioned.
Update: It's now in the 180 and is eating out in the open. The only time I get to see it's stomache is when it's changing stations, but the movements have been too quick for me to get the camera. It is apparent that the fish is now more plump. I'll keep trying to get a photo and post another update. Thanks again everyone.