Tail and Fin Rot

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I dum care =]
Staff member
MFK Member
Jul 27, 2005
I have a smaller fish and a betta that have fin/tail rot, I've tried 2 different types of medicane but nothing has worked, does anyone know a good medicane or treatment for this?
If it is fin rot, this is a bacterial infection. As such you would need to treat with an antibiotic in a quarantine tank. As mentioned, Bettamax would be a good choice for the betta, and likely the other fish too. But do treat in a quarantine tank (unless your betta is in an unfiltered bowl), as any antibiotic can mess with your biological filtration. Good luck. :)
I tried maracyn it didnt work. grr. My other fish is looking better from that though. yay. I ll try the bettamax thank you!
Along with Meds.. Daily Water changes and aquarium salt should help. For re-growth of fins I would go with Melafix. It's all natural and less stressful.
Indeed, water changes are ALWAYS a good thing. Whenever I am medicating a fish in a quarantine tank, I do daily 70-80% changes immediately preceding the daily medicinal dose. Salt can be helpful too. I personally think Melafix is just snake oil and don't ever use it or recommend it, but that's just from my experience.