Tank mate with betta fish ?

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Depends on tank size. Less than 5 gallons the only thing I’d really try is shrimp. 10 and up and small bottom feeders (otos, smaller Cory species) and schooling fish (Tetras or rasboras) would work.
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Do you guys let your betta fish live with another fish in the same tank? and what is that fish? :headbang2
in all seriousness though, bettas can and often are housed in community tanks. they are really only known for conspific agression and usually do quite well in communities so long as the tank is big enough
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I've seen female bettas in community tanks before, I was wondering if the males were too aggressive towards other fish or only similar colored, shaped fish.
I heard a story a guy had a 300 gallon planted community with lots of caves and hiding spots and he had 2 male Bettas and they found each other and fought till he had to move one out.
I seen a LFS who had a 40 breeder with a all female sorority was about 10 female bettas with a bunch of corys and tetras schooling
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I've seen female bettas in community tanks before, I was wondering if the males were too aggressive towards other fish or only similar colored, shaped fish.
The only major aggression I’ve noticed from males was directed at guppies.
I’ve had females eat neons but that was also in way too small a tank.
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