Tank mates for blood red arowana

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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 2, 2017
Hi everyone, was just wondering what are good tank mates for blood red arowana besides Bichirs? Can I get angel fishes?
Hi everyone, was just wondering what are good tank mates for blood red arowana besides Bichirs? Can I get angel fishes?

If your arowana is not overly aggressive (like my one) I have flagtail (if you have rays then flagtail not a good idea in my experience with brown rays.. he leaves black rays alone) clown loaches, rays, geos, electric blue acaras, datnoids, severums or any mild mannered cichlid that is not aggressive towards the aro
Yea he ain't aggressive. He doesn't even acknowledge the existence of my green terror whom is like around 3 inches or so. Lol. Thanks tho!
Then you should be fine with almost any fish that doesn't become aggressive towards the Aro

I don't know how big yours is, if he is small, the character could still change as he gets bigger.
I don't have a problem with mine

My son has a small chilli red, she is about 20cm, and she has a different character and is very cheeky towards tank mates, we will see how she turns out as she gets bigger
Mine is about 7inches long. Hmm I guess I'll look at clown loaches when I go to the LFS.
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Hi everyone, was just wondering what are good tank mates for blood red arowana besides Bichirs? Can I get angel fishes?

ultimately it depends on the personality of your aro....

personally i comm aro with angels, silver dollars, parrot fish, spotted gar, clown knife fish, even 3 dwarf honey gourami lol

Disclaimer: The aro was about 8-10 inches at that point in time