Thiaminase in silversides? an HTH related question


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 20, 2009
Boston, MA
Hi all, I am trying to cut down on the amount of thiaminase my oscar and jag eat. We all know goldfish have high amounts but what about silversides? Also, i bought a bag of frozen smelt at my local Asian market. Do these fish have high thiaminase? My oscar has just started to show signs of HTH. I have seen some recommendations for API vitamin pyramid. i might get that but then I saw Boyd Vita Chem. What do people think about that brand?

I know, i know...i have changed the water and im keeping a very close eye on water quality.
Thanks for the advice.


MFK Member
Sep 17, 2005
Peoria, AZ, USA
Question, what else are you feeding them? I know pellets aren't as fun to watch them chase around but a high-quality pellet like NLS (and they make a large carnivore pellet too) would help deal with vitamin issues.


MFK Member
Jan 4, 2011
Hi all, I am trying to cut down on the amount of thiaminase my oscar and jag eat. We all know goldfish have high amounts but what about silversides? Also, i bought a bag of frozen smelt at my local Asian market. Do these fish have high thiaminase? My oscar has just started to show signs of HTH. I have seen some recommendations for API vitamin pyramid. i might get that but then I saw Boyd Vita Chem. What do people think about that brand?

I know, i know...i have changed the water and im keeping a very close eye on water quality.
Thanks for the advice.
Smelt contains it, Idk about silversides, pellets are your best bet.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 20, 2009
Boston, MA
yeah i feed massivore to them. the jag is not showing any signs it's just the oscar. It turns out the "silversides" i got at my asian market are smelt. Smelt contain thiaminase and i have stopped feeding it to my fish.

The link i posted says that "silversides" are just the name of any small fish that has a lateral silver-ish marking or stripe. It is not the name of 1 particular species of fish. Different fishfood producers use different species and sell them under the umbrella-term "silversides". According to the author of the material in my posted link, the best brand is SF Bay/ Sally's Silversides. This company uses Menidia Menidia species of silversides which do not contain thaiminase and are NOT smelt. To confirm this, I have emailed SF Bay last saturday and asked again what species of fish they use. I am waiting for their response. In the meantime I have stopped feeding frozen fish to my cichlids.
I like the material in the link i posted....problem is that 1) i don't know how credible the authors are. 2) it was written with reptiles in mind. A lot of people like feeding fish to their garter snakes. 3) there's not a lot of info out their to back any of this up.
So for now, i gotta go with it. I dunno why my oscar is getting HTH....water quality is good, no carbon in my filter, etc. I gotta this theory a shot and see what happens.
There is also a sticky in the forum Fish Disease and Illness posted by Miles, he says that after a lot of research he thinks thiaminase is to blame.