It took five of us just 20 minutes to move the two 300 pound 1-1/2 thick Acrylic windows from the driveway to the 16-foot long aquarium in the back yard
We glazed the windows with 33 tubes of GE Silicone II and tilted them into place. After a final check of all the surfaces and the application of additional resin with the thin spots, the tank will be ready for water. It takes around 15 hours to fill the tank however; I plan to keep the water level down to 4 feet until I get all the fish moved in.
We should be ready for the big fish move this Saturday, May 12, 2007; however, there is always the very remote chance something will need further attention and cause a delay.
We plan to start moving the 45 fish at noon. The heaviest Pacu at 10 years old, might go 50 pounds and the Arapaima Gigas at 27 months is likely over four feet.
Human transport is moving 300-pound Cell Cast Acrylic window to 8000-gallon aquarium in the back yard.
The windows were glazed with GE Silicone II and tilted into place. The bracing holds the windows until the Silicone has cured.
The windows as they look set in place with the protective brown paper attached.