Thought I got a Red Shoulder Severum from petsmart, turns out to be a Turquoise.


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Jul 25, 2024
Went to a petsmart to get a severum, on their little picture it showed a Rokteil/Red Shoulder Severum, but the actual fishes in the tank are completely drab and I thought they are like that because they are juveniles. I decide to buy one, and later found out they were Turquoise Severums, the storekeeper put up the wrong picture.

So now I am wondering, do these severums change color when they get bigger, because based on the pictures I found on the Turquoise Severum, most of them looked pretty dull and ugly.
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Redtail Catfish
MFK Member
Jan 27, 2023
Went to a petsmart to get a severum, on their little picture it showed a Rokteil/Red Shoulder Severum, but the actual fishes in the tank are completely drab and I thought they are like that because they are juveniles. I decide to buy one, and later found out they were Turquoise Severums, the storekeeper put up the wrong picture.

So now I am wondering, do these severums change color when they get bigger, because based on the pictures I found on the Turquoise Severum, most of them looked pretty dull and ugly.
Most Central and South American cichlids do tend to be duller in color when they are juveniles. As they grow and mature, their colors usually become more vibrant, especially when provided with proper care and a suitable environment. Additionally, cichlids in local fish stores (LFS) are often stressed due to overcrowded tanks, lack of hiding places, and suboptimal conditions, which can make them appear duller.

While color intensity can vary among individual severums, I recommend giving yours plenty of hiding spots, a balanced diet, and maintaining pristine water conditions. Patience is key—once your severum feels comfortable and has had time to grow, you should start seeing its true colors emerge.

Good luck!


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jan 22, 2013
Mid-Atlantic, US
Not much distinguishes them at smaller sizes, like a lot of fish their color develops gradually, but count the bars. Heros sp. rotkeil normally have 8 instead of the 9 of most other Heros (inirida also have 8). That said, just about any fish can have split or extra bars, etc., so it's a good indication but not 100% conclusive. Of course, there are also mixed and misidentified ones out there.


MFK Member
Nov 23, 2015
A grown green severum has awesome,beautiful colors. Keep yours in a 75G or better yet 125G with other peaceful cichlids and you will eventually be blessed with a gorgeous fish!