I have a school of eight Tiger barbs in my 200 gallon, 7' x 2' x 2', aquarium. There were a couple more fish I wanted before I would consider it fully stocked. Currently the largest fish in the aquarium is the Blood Parrot, but the Bala's and Pleco will surpass him. I was looking for more American Cichlids that I could put with the barbs (other than rams). I would prefer larger ones like the Parrot, but not so big that they can eat the barbs. The barbs were a little nippy at the Parrot once I first got him, but he showed them who gives orders. I want the new fish to give them the same impression as the Blood Parrot did. I already have a couple ideas. Would a SPR Flowerhorn or Green Terror be okay? Salvini Cichlid? Severum?